We just launched our blog!

Friday, July 17, 2009

We want to help you in every way so that you can take the right decision while investing a hyip. Beside our monitoring service for latest hyip news, hyip fun, important tips & tricks and etc etc etc you are always welcomed to our blog. We are happy to announce the launching of Fairestmonitor Official Blog.

When we launched our blog, we have total 4 hyips monitored by us. Among them we made self invest in geniusfunds. Twabet.com is the first hyip which choose our monitoring service. Bestinv also choose us as one of their monitor.

Might be we are still not a large monitor and you are seeing only 4 hyips are now monitored by us. But isn't it fair to provide you the right information about only for those hyips which are monitored by us than filling up our monitor with lots of hyips which are not actually monitored by us? You can expect the fairest monitoring service from us always.

We are still new and yet not passed a week. But we succeed to achieve some good numbers of hyip investors trust already by running a good promotion in many hyip forums!

Always tune with us! We are going to become the rank one hyip monitor site with the help of you!

Its really the time to expect something more from hyips!